DOIT Doctoral Representatives
The voice of the doctoral researchers in PIER's research and competence fields is represented by DOIT. DOIT (Doctoral Initiative) and the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School work closely together.
The elected representatives of DOIT are part of PIER Helmholtz Graduate School's steering committee. The DOIT representatives' responsibilities cover the general interests of doctoral researchers on the Science Campus Bahrenfeld and in the strategic partnership of DESY and University of Hamburg, PIER (Partnership for Innovation, Education and Research). The members meet once per month and cordially invite all doctoral researchers to participate. About 500 doctoral researchers are working on campus. More than 200 of those young researchers are paid by DESY, all others have contracts with universities or are scholarship holders. DOIT wants to represent all of them. For more information on DOIT's activities and the speakers, visit DOIT's website.
Besides the political activities regarding the situation of doctoral researchers at DESY and the University of Hamburg, DOIT organises outings, social hours, and a career talk series called "DOIT looks outside the box" (see below).
The DOIT team is always happy to welcome new doctoral researchers who would like to participate in their meetings and campus activities. All doctoral researchers on campus are invited to share their ideas and suggestions:
For more information and regular announcements you can subscribe to our mailing list at
We are pleased to announce that Bryan Bliewert and Rafael Garcia have been elected as DOIT's new spokespersons. Congratulations and we look forward to working with you.

DOIT looks outside the box: Job seminars on career options for scientists
Among DOIT’s numerous activities is a series of lectures called "job seminar". The lectures address all young scientists who would like to get an overview of the various career opportunities for physicists. Former DESY PhD students and other physicists talk about their experience in 'real' life: How they landed their current job and how their working days outside academia look like . After the lecture there is usually time for questions and discussion with the speakers. Past and future dates and topics can be found on DOIT's website.