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Scientist Registration Lunch Talks Startup Bootcamp Past Events PIER Helmholtz Graduate School (PHGS) PIER Education Platform (PEP) DOIT PhD Representatives Research Fields PIER Research Perspectives Workshops PIER International PIER Idea Fund PHGS Travel Awards Calls, prizes and funding for doctoral researchers News & Events PIER Boards PIER Team CONTACT MEDIA CREDITS Quick links PHGS MEMBER LOGIN

Innovation & Startup

You are interested in learning about business startup and innovation topics? Check out PIER events and activities in this field.

PIER Research Funding

PIER offers funding for seed projects, joint workshops or short visits of international colleagues in your field.

PIER Education Platform

Transferable skills for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

Language courses

German and English courses for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

PHGS Travel Awards for doctoral researchers

Outstanding doctoral researchers of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School (PHGS) can apply for a PHGS Travel Award to pay for travel to and participation in scientific events. Find out more...

Forms and info Sheets for doctoral researchers of the PHGS

Here you can find all templates and information sheets that are important for your membership in the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School.

Buddy Programme for new doctoral researchers of the PHGS

You are a new international doctoral sresearcher and would like support during your first time in Hamburg? You are an experienced doctoral researcher and would like to support a new international doctoral researcher? Register here.

Registration membership PIER Helmholtz Graduate School

You are starting a doctorate at DESY or Universität Hamburg and want to become a member of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School? Here you can sign up.

Curriculum PIER Helmholtz Graduate School

The PHGS curriculum is the core of the education of our members and is the basis for the PHGS Certificate and Transcript of Records.

Creating Synergies

In their strategic partnership "PIER", DESY and the University of Hamburg combine their strengths in innovation, education and research.
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Partnership for Innovation, Education and Research

PIER is the strategic partnership of DESY and the University of Hamburg ("Partnership for Innovation, Education and Research"). PIER focuses on the research fields particle and astroparticle physics, nanosciences, photon science and infection and structural biology. Additional interdisciplinary areas are theoretical physics and accelerator research. In 2023, artefact profiling was added to the portfolio as a PIER Emerging Topic. Under the umbrella of PIER, DESY and the University of Hamburg jointly provide funding for cross-institutional research projects, promote high-quality education of junior scientists, and foster an innovation-friendly culture on the science campus Bahrenfeld.

The unique research environment of the science campus Bahrenfeld is where all PIER activities unfold. The campus hosts around 3,000 guest researchers from more than 40 countries every year who are attracted by the world-class research facilities available in Bahrenfeld.


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PIER Seed Projects Call 2025

NEWS | 06 Feb. 2025

You are an early-career researcher at DESY or UHH/UKE? You have an innovative idea for a joint DESY/UHH (or UKE) research project? Apply now for seed funding at PIER!

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Joint Career Days 2025

NEWS | 21 + 22 January 2025

What's next after PhD and postdoc - science, industry, business or public service? A two-day career event at Betahaus Hamburg focused on the different career paths available to early career researchers from University of Hamburg, DESY, MPSD and MPI-M.

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Discover how PIER can boost your scientific career

Research Funding

PIER funds various pioneering research fields for pushing your scientific projects to a new level.


PIER offers a variety of event formats and activities in order to foster an innovation-friendly culture on the Hamburg Bahrenfeld campus.


The PIER Helmholtz Graduate School ensures that doctoral candidates receive an internationally recognized and optimally supervised education in their respective fields.

25 Mar 2025

PIER Doctoral Seminar | March/April 2025

Michael Büker | Three modules between 25 March and 3 April 2025 | Campus Bahrenfeld

The seminar is open to all full and associated members of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School (PHGS) from the 2nd year of the doctorate. All full members of PHGS must attend th ...

31 Mar 2025

Transitioning from Academia: Developing a Career with Python

31 March - 2 April 2025, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm | Room EG.013, Start-up Labs (building 98) (Entry from outside DESY at the Stadionstrasse side gate)

Advance your Python skills and learn career development strategies to transition from academia to coding or data-related positions.

08 Apr 2025

Art Exhibit "MASH": More than A Single Half

8 - 15 April 2025 | Online

The MASH (More than A Single Half) exhibition gives an opportunity to anyone working or studying on the DESY campus: present another facet of themselves by showing the art the ...

11 Apr 2025

PIER Startup Workshop: Business Modeling and Pitching

Andreas Voss (Concis Group! and People & Friends) | 11 April 2025, 9 am - 4 pm | CFEL, SR V

Learn how to create a business model based on your research and improve your pitching skills at our next PIER Startup Workshop “Business Modeling and Pitching” for early stage ...


Take a quick roundtrip and discover the PIER activities and program offers.

»I am so happy to be on the Science Campus Bahrenfeld, because here I can work at incredible institutions, do interesting research, and learn a new language at the same time.«

Blae Stacey | Doctoral Researcher PHGS since 2022 | Learn more
Image of Blae Stacey/ © DESY/Marta Mayer

»I am so happy to be on the Science Campus Bahrenfeld, because here I can work at incredible institutions, do interesting research, and learn a new language at the same time.«

Blae Stacey | Doctoral Researcher PHGS since 2022 | Learn more