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Innovation & Startup

You are interested in learning about business startup and innovation topics? Check out PIER events and activities in this field.

PIER Research Funding

PIER offers funding for seed projects, joint workshops or short visits of international colleagues in your field.

PIER Education Platform

Transferable skills for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

Language courses

German and English courses for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

PHGS Travel Awards for doctoral researchers

Outstanding doctoral researchers of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School (PHGS) can apply for a PHGS Travel Award to pay for travel to and participation in scientific events. Find out more...

Forms and info Sheets for doctoral researchers of the PHGS

Here you can find all templates and information sheets that are important for your membership in the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School.

Buddy Programme for new doctoral researchers of the PHGS

You are a new international doctoral sresearcher and would like support during your first time in Hamburg? You are an experienced doctoral researcher and would like to support a new international doctoral researcher? Register here.

Registration membership PIER Helmholtz Graduate School

You are starting a doctorate at DESY or Universität Hamburg and want to become a member of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School? Here you can sign up.

Curriculum PIER Helmholtz Graduate School

The PHGS curriculum is the core of the education of our members and is the basis for the PHGS Certificate and Transcript of Records.

Transferable skills

In addition to the qualifications specific to a profession, other abilities also play an important role when it comes to successfully planning one’s career and life.

The PIER Education Platform focuses on the acquisition of transferable skills with a comprehensive training portfolio in the areas "Communicating science", "Career development", "Coordination and management" and "Software". See below to browse the different categories.

The workshops are usually one to three day courses for a maximum number of 12-15 participants and are offered once or twice a year. The trainers are carefully selected experts with many years of experience in teaching scientists.

Note on credit points: a one-day workshop counts for 0.5 credit points, two days for 1 credit point etc.

Language courses: 15 sessions with 90 minutes count for 2 credit points.

All workshops, talks and trainings are open for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers affiliated with PIER, CUI/AIM, HELIOS, DASHH, Quantum Universe. Researchers from other research centers such as the International Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging & Structural Dynamics IMPRS-UFAST, the Centre for Structural Systems Biology CSSB, and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL may also participate upon request.


Portrait of Mirko Siemssen/ © DESY/Marta Mayer
Mirko Siemssen
PIER Education Platform Coordinator for doctoral researchers
Portrait of Pragya Chopra
Pragya Chopra
PIER Education Platform Coordinator for Postdocs

PIER Startup Workshop: Prototyping

EVENT | Andreas Voss (Concis Group! and People & Friends) | 5 December 2025, 9 am - 4 pm | CFEL, SR V

Make your ideas tangible and join us for our next PIER Startup Workshop “Prototyping” for early stage researchers (doctoral researchers and postdocs), taking place on 5 December 2025.

02 Dec 2025

Scientific Writing: Turning the Blank Page Into a Manuscript

EVENT | Dr. Carsten Rohr | 2 + 3 December 2025, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | TBA

Publications of research results is the currency in modern science. It might not be your favorite occupation, but it is a decisive one, strongly determining your future research and career opportunities.

19 Nov 2025

Time and Self-Management for Doctoral Researchers

EVENT | Matthias Mayer | 19 + 20 November 2025, 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | room tba

The workplace in academia is becoming ever more demanding and hectic, with PhD students often having to deal as efficiently and effectively with increasing time pressures, highly complex research projects, undefined working relationships and conflicting priorities.

07 Nov 2025

PIER Startup Workshop: Creating Innovation with Systematic Inventive Thinking (SIT)

EVENT | Andreas Voss (Concis Group! and People & Friends) | 7 November 2025, 9 am - 1 pm | Remote

Learn how to create innovation by "thinking inside the box" in our next PIER Startup Workshop “Creating Innovation with Systematic Inventive Thinking (SIT)” for early stage researchers (doctoral researchers and postdocs), taking place on 7 November 2025 (remote).


Communicating science: Here you find everything on how to communicate your science and research effectively, from writing scientifc articles to grant writing, but also illustration, presentation and teaching.

Career Development: Here we offer events that might help in orientation along your career as a scientist. Whether you stay in academia or transition to industry, your CV, cover letter, job interview and negotiation skills matter and our trainers might help you with this.

Coordination and Management: In the career of most scientists, management skills are quite important. These might range from self and time management, over stress and conflict management to solid project management.

Software: Mastering a certain range of software is critical for every scientist. We offer programming tools for data analysis and machine learning with a focus on Python.

More workshops and career training options in Hamburg:

DESY Staff and doctoral researchers:

IT training at DESY
DESY offers IT training for its staff and doctoral researchers with a DESY affiliation. In order to register, you need to have a DESY account to log on. See here for more details and course registration. LEARN MORE


Career support and training
The Hamburg Research Academy (HRA) is the central port of call for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers at nine higher education institutions in Hamburg. HRA offers career support and training. LEARN MORE

DESY Staff and doctoral researchers:

Skills training at DESY education
DESY Education also offers transferable skills courses and workshops. Target group are DESY staff, but doctoral researchers or visting scientists are also welcome. The course overview is accessible for all users with a DESY account. LEARN MORE


Helmholtz Information and Data Science Academy
HIDA is a hub for the exchange of knowledge and methods in the field of information & data science within the Helmholtz Association. HIDA offers trainings for doctoral researchers in data science methods across all Helmholtz research fields. The courses are free of charge for doctoral researchers with a DESY contract. LEARN MORE


The Career Development Cycle
The Career Development Cycle is a programme of the Universität Hamburg HR department open for all doctoral and postdoctoral researchers and Junior PIs at UHH. The events of the career development cycle help you clarify your goals, plan how you mean to achieve these, further yourself, and advance in your career. Professional goals can relate to either your current position or a future role. Universität Hamburg also offers other qualification options such as individual advising services and short information events, called Food for Thought. LEARN MORE


Support and events for all doctoral candidates of the UHH MIN
The MIN Graduate School (MINGZ) offers a wide range of support measures and events open for all doctoral candidates of the UHH MIN faculty. They develop the structured PhD program MIND and the Individual Development Plan (IDP) for doctoral researchers. They also offer travel grants and short-term stipends, counselling for newcomers, career and networking events and more. The MINGZ doctoral representatives are the main contacts for all concerns of doctoral researchers at MIN Faculty. Learn more about the MINGZ and sign up for their monthly newsletter. LEARN MORE


Good teaching practice
Hamburger Zentrum für Universitäres Lehren und Lernen (HUL) offers a regular programme on good teaching practice for all researchers with teaching duties at Universität Hamburg, including doctoral researchers. Most of the courses (and the registration site) are in German, but once or twice per year HUL also offers courses and workshops for English speakers. LEARN MORE


Career center
The Career Center at Universität Hamburg sees itself as a service provider, guiding doctoral researchers and other graduates (who graduated less than 2 years ago) in preparing for and setting out on their careers: Career Center Universität Hamburg. LEARN MORE