Services for Doctoral Researchers
Find out about starting a doctorate in Germany in general, at Universität Hamburg (UHH) in particular, and how this relates to DESY and PHGS membership.
Learn more about the formal process of a doctorate at UHH and benefit from offers for international doctoral researchers as well as an overview of support in difficult situations.

Taking up a doctorate in Germany and at the University of Hamburg
General information on how to start a doctorate in Germany in general and at the University of Hamburg in particular
Important information:
1. Only universities and universities of applied science are allowed to award doctorates in Germany. Each doctoral researcher must enroll in a university at a time determined by the relevant University.
2. Tuition is free for doctoral studies for all public universities in Germany. Please note: doctoral researchers enrolled at university have to pay a semester contribution every semester (University of Hamburg in 2023: 340 Euro per semester).
3. As a doctoral candidate you have three options as to where to carry out your research: at a university (like Universität Hamburg), at a research organization (like DESY) or in the industrial sector.
4. According to the German Studentenwerk (German Student’s Union) an average (doctoral) researcher in Germany needs around 800 Euros per month to cover living expenses such as rent, food, clothing, transport, work supplies, recreation etc. Please note: In Hamburg one should plan a little more, due to the high rents in Hamburg.
Becoming a doctoral researcher at DESY
- DESY is an extramural research institution. Doctoral researchers can carry out their doctoral research at DESY. Please note: only universities and universities of applied science are allowed to award doctorates in Germany. Therefore, each doctoral researcher must enroll at the university where he or she wishes to pursue a doctorate. The time of enrollment is determined by the university.
- DESY offers paid doctoral positions. On the DESY job offers page, you will find an overview of the available positions and useful information on how to apply.
- In addition, we recommend to have a look at the PIER website of the individual research groups at DESY and, if necessary, to contact the group leader directly. The latter is especially interesting for candidates who bring their own financing for the doctoral thesis (e.g. scholarship, private financing, etc.).
- All further steps leading to employment as a doctoral researcher or to formal admission at DESY then go through the corresponding offices at DESY.
- Doctoral researchers with a DESY employment contract usually receive a monthly salary of 67% of the payment of the remuneration group 13 TVöD (Federal Government).
- The duration of the doctorate is usually set at 3 years.
Becoming a doctoral researcher at the Universität Hamburg (UHH)
- As a doctoral candidate you have three options as to where you carry out your research: at a university, at a research organization or in the industrial sector.
- The Universität Hamburg offers paid doctoral positions. On the Universität Hamburg job offers page, you will find an overview of the available positions and useful information on how to apply.
- In addition, we recommend to have a look at the PIER websites of the individual research groups at the University of Hamburg and, if necessary, to contact the group leader directly. The latter is especially interesting for candidates who bring their own financing for the doctoral thesis (e.g. scholarship, private financing, etc.).
- All further steps leading to employment as a doctoral researcher or to formal admission at the Universität Hamburg then go through the corresponding offices at the UHH.
- Salary and duration of the contract vary depending on the tender.
- Those who are employed as doctoral researchers at the University of Hamburg enroll as doctoral researcher at the UHH. Please note: For doctoral researchers who have a DESY employment contract, the same applies as in the previous section.
- All doctoral researchers enrolled at Universität Hamburg have to pay a semester contribution every semester (status 2023: 340 Euro). This fee covers the cost of the student ID card.The student ID card serves as a semester ticket for cheap use of public transport, and allows you reduced rates at the student cafeteria and many other places such as swimming pools, museums, cinemas, etc..
- According to the German Studentenwerk (German Student’s Union) an average (doctoral) student in Germany needs around 800 euros per month to cover living expenses such as rent, food, clothing, transport, work supplies, recreation etc. Please note: Because of the high rents in Hamburg, you should plan for more.
- Tuition fees are not payable at the Universität Hamburg.
Connection between membership in the PHGS and work as a doctoral researcher at DESY, Universität Hamburg or their partners
- All members of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School must bring their own funding. Most members of the PHGS have an employment contract with DESY or the Universität Hamburg or receive a scholarship from an external institution.
- Those who wish to become member of PHGS have already reached an agreement with a research team in one or two PIER research field or competence fields, or emerging topic for a doctoral dissertation, and ideally have resolved the question of funding.
- All doctoral researchers with an employment contract from DESY Hamburg have to register at the PHGS and become a member of the graduate school - no matter at which university they will do their doctorate.
- All doctoral researchers with an employment contract from the University of Hamburg (UHH) who are doing research in one of the PIER research fields, competence fields or emerging topic are cordially welcome to become a member of PHGS.
- All doctoral researchers who neither have a DESY employment contract nor an employment contract with UHH, but who are enrolled as doctoral researchers at the University of Hamburg (UHH) or plan to do so and who are doing research in one of the PIER research fields, competence fields or emerging topic are cordially invited to apply for membership at PHGS.
- PHGS has set up a curriculum for its members. Those who have fulfilled the requirements of the PHGS curriculum at the end of the doctoral program (the date of the oral examination applies) receive the PHGS certificate and the PHGS transcript or record (ToR). Both documents are an ad on by PHGS to the doctoral certificate issued by the university in which the doctoral researcher was enrolled. It does not affect the receipt of the doctoral certificate if the PHGS curriculum requirements are not met. The PHGS certificate, on the other hand, is issued only if the oral examination is passed.
- Membership in PHGS ends on the date of the oral examination or the doctoral researcher terminates his/her doctoral project without completion or by individual agreement.
Formal procedure for doctoral studies at the UHH - from admission to submission
Only universities and universities of applied science are allowed to award doctorates in Germany. Each doctoral researcher must therefore apply for admission at the appropriate university and enroll at a time determined by the appropriate university.
Helpful facts about the UHH
- The UHH has eight faculties
- Almost all members of the PHGS belong to the Faculty of Mathematic, Informatics and Natural Science (MIN-Faculty)
- The MIN Faculty includes six departments: Biology, Chemistry, Earth System Science, Informatics, Mathematics, Physics
- Most members of the PHGS belong to the department of Physics, followed by Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and Informatics
Admission and enrollment process
At the UHH one has to distinguish between:
- Step 1: admission to doctoral procedure and
- Step 2: enrollment (matriculation).
Both steps are separate and distinct processes.
Step 1:
The admission to doctoral procedures has to be applied for via the responsible Academic Office respectively Doctoral Office of the appropriate department. You find all information on this step on the website of the appropriate department:
Step 2:
The application for enrollment (matriculation) is to be submitted via the STiNE application portal (online) taking into account the instructions for enrollment procedure (see Section Enrollment for more details).
Good overview on these processes can be found here
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Becoming an alumni
University of Hamburg
PIER Helmholtz Graduate School (PHGS)

Support in difficult situations

Offers for international doctoral researchers