Providing a fertile soil for growing ideas
PIER Idea Fund
Developing new research ideas is not always a straight path to success. It often takes some time and effort to really appraise the feasibility and benefit of innovative concepts, methods and ideas. PIER funding helps you to develop and test your research ideas. It focuses on creative conceptions, lateral thinking as well as risky research ideas with possibly high potential benefits.
The PIER Idea Fund enables researchers of DESY and the University of Hamburg to identify complementary strengths, facilitate the use of synergies, promote the development of future joint research projects, and establish contacts to international colleagues in their respective fields. Researchers can apply for financial support in three funding lines: PIER Seed Projects, PIER Workshops and PIER Short Visits.

The PIER Idea Fund supports the first steps of research collaboration
PIER Seed Projects
Funding for innovative, creative and unusual research ideas.
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PIER Short Visits
Funding for guest stays of international scientists in Hamburg from two weeks to two months.
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PIER Workshops
Funding for scientific and network workshops, scientific speed dating, idea-finding process workshops etc.
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PIER Templates
You can find the templates for the funding instruments here.
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Customize your funding
The different funding formats can be combined. All activities supported within the scope of the PIER Idea Fund must have a clearly defined focus and serve as a catalyst for the development of new research ideas and joint projects with a cross-institutional dimension. Interdisciplinary collaboration is encouraged in all funding formats. The motivation for carrying out the activity must be clearly explained in the application, including how the involved DESY, UHH and/or UKE institutes/centers and researchers will benefit from the envisaged cooperation.
Nature and scope of funding
The underlying concept must have at its core a new approach and, as such, must not be the objective of an existing funding support or a separate part of a funded third-party project. The funding by PIER excludes institutional funding or covering budget deficits of a third-party project. Should the concept arise within the scope of a third-party project, the context of the project and the further third-party funding must be described in the PIER Idea fund proposal/application.
I. PIER Seed Projects:
The funding is provided in the form of a non-repayable grant, covering up to 100 percent of direct project costs. The average funding amount of previously funded projects was 40,000 Euros. The proposed project duration for which support is requested must be consistent with the nature and complexity of the proposed activity. Grants are awarded for a maximum of two years. Funds must be used within the funding period. The funding focuses on project-related expenses exclusively. Personnel costs are generally not eligible.
II. PIER Workshops:
Funding can cover fees for moderators and/or speakers, expenses for travel and accommodation of participants, room rental etc. The average funding amount of previously funded workshops was 5,000 EUR.
III. PIER Short Visits:
Short visit grants will be awarded on a competitive basis for a period of 1 week to 2 months each. The weekly/monthly rates of support are as follows:
- Researchers (postdoc level and above): 500 EUR/week or 2,000 EUR/month.
- PhD students: 300 EUR/week or 1,200 EUR/month
Funding is effected by means of a non-refundable lump-sum. In addition, a reimbursement of travel expenses (economy class (flight) / 2nd class (rail)) to/from Hamburg is possible upon presentation of original receipts (maximum of 1,500 EUR).
Things you need to know
The applicant must be registered as a PIER Scientist (members of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School are automatically registered as PIER scientists). Only researchers whose principle affiliation (= employment contract) is with DESY, UHH or UKE are eligible for PIER funding and can apply for a seed project as main applicants. All applications must involve at least one research partner from the other institution(s) respectively (e.g. main applicant from DESY, co-applicant(s) from UHH and/or UKE; or: main applicant from UHH or UKE, co-applicant(s) from DESY). The main applicant and his/her principle research partner may not belong to the same research group. The inclusion of researchers from other research institutions on the Hamburg Bahrenfeld science campus, such as the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD), The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), the European XFEL, and others, is encouraged. Researchers from these organizations can apply for funding as co-applicants.
Calls for PIER Seed Projects are regularly announced, usually once a year (please check the PIER website for further information). Applications for PIER Workshops and PIER Short Visits can be continually submitted to the PIER Office. Please visit the PIER website for further information on application requirements and templates. The evaluation of all PIER Idea Fund proposals is carried out by the PIER Executive Board.
Evaluation criteria
The evaluation criteria are as follows:
- Scientific quality and originality of the research project
- Relevance of the project with regard to the objectives and contents of the PIER research fields
- Scientific qualification and applicant’s expertise
- Support of young scientists
- Strengthening of research collaboration between DESY and UHH and/or UKE
- Potential of the project as a basis for a larger externally funded follow-up project
- Quality of the project planning and cost plan
- Adequacy of the requested funds
A short report has to be submitted to the PIER Office six weeks after the expiration of the funding measure. In case the report of expenditure of funds cannot be completed due to ongoing settlement procedures, missing documents will have to be filed subsequently.
PIER is a partnership between UHH and DESY. PIER is not a legal entity. The financial support of funded pro-jects will be handled by one partner of PIER, either UHH or DESY.
The submission of an application does not establish a legal claim to funding.