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PHGS Travel Awards for doctoral researchers

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Buddy Programme for new doctoral researchers of the PHGS

You are a new international doctoral sresearcher and would like support during your first time in Hamburg? You are an experienced doctoral researcher and would like to support a new international doctoral researcher? Register here.

Registration membership PIER Helmholtz Graduate School

You are starting a doctorate at DESY or Universität Hamburg and want to become a member of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School? Here you can sign up.

Curriculum PIER Helmholtz Graduate School

The PHGS curriculum is the core of the education of our members and is the basis for the PHGS Certificate and Transcript of Records.



Research Data Management for Doctoral Researchers

Workshop/Training | Dr. Juliane Jacob | 11 April 2025, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. | FLASH seminar room, building 28c (2nd floor), Campus Bahrenfeld | Coordination and research management / Doctoral Researcher / Education / PEP / PHGS

For you as doctoral researchers it is vital to organise and secure your data right from the start of your research project until you archive it at the end.

You need to make sure your data is preserved so that other scholars can reuse it without compromising the legal or ethical rights of others or the purpose of your research. 

In this introductory workshop on research data management (RDM), you will discover how to efficiently and sustainably provide, store, archive, and publish your research data to make it future-proof and sustainable. You will also learn which RDM infrastructure exist on campus, and why and how this is relevant if you plan to apply for third-party funding in the future. 

Trainer: Dr. Juliane Jacob, Center for Sustainable Research Data Management, Universität Hamburg

This workshop is organized in collaboration with the Center for Sustainable Research Data Management and the two NFDI consortia PUNCH4NFDI and DAPHNE4NFDI of the The National Research Data Infrastructure (in original German: Nationale Forschungs-Daten Infrastruktur NFDI). If you want to learn more about our motivation to organize and host the workshop, feel free to visit this page.

Photograph: Marta Mayer, DESY


FLASH seminar room, building 28c


11 April 2025, 9 am - 3:30 pm


Dr. Juliane Jacob

Credit points:


Open for:

Doctoral researchers


Slots are limited, early registration is strongly recommended.


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