PIER Graduate Week 2023
For the first time since the pandemic, the PIER Graduate Week took place on-site on the Science Campus Hamburg-Bahrenfeld.
130 doctoral researchers from the various research fields on campus filled the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science and made the week a very lively and enjoyable event. The PIER Graduate Week is an interdisciplinary lecture and workshop week for young scientists. This year, it took place from 16-23 October 2023 and offered two stimulating bloc courses for doctoral candidates in the wide range of the PIER research fields of Particle & Astroparticle Physics, Nanoscience, Photon Science and Infection & Structural Biology.
The first thematic bloc covered the field of advanced scientific computing and machine learning in physics, organised by Prof. Gregor Kasieczka, Institut für Experimentalphysik. It introduced basic concepts of machine learning with a focus on deep neural networks. Relevant architectures for physical data were reviewed, followed by a discussion of key techniques including both supervised tasks as well as generative modelling. Finally, current applications to particle physics were explored.
The second thematic bloc focused on the physics of the life sciences and the connections of fundamental physics to modern biology and medicine, and included practical lab visits and tours (atto-lab, T-REX beamline, among others) organised by Dr. Alessandra Picchiotti, Institut für Nanostruktur- und Festkörperphysik.
Complementary soft skill courses took place on 20 + 23 October, covering various aspects of career planning and counselling, vocal power and physical presence for presentations, and self-confidence in academic competition.
Colloquium on artificial intelligence in medicine, Airbus industry talk
The lectures were accompanied by evening talks, a poster session and also gave lots of opportunities to network and socialise.
The scientific colloquium was given by Dr. Nils Schweingruber of Hamburg University's Medical Center Eppendorf UKE. Dr. Schweingruber, a neurologist, talked about "Artificial intelligence in neurointensive medical care". In an industry talk, DESY alumnae Dr. Jasone Garay Garcia (CMS) shared her experience as flight physicist at AIRBUS. She gave a concise and highly entertaining account of her career path from science to industry.
The poster session was accompanied by a barbecue in the foyer of CFEL and was well received by the participants. The poster jury, consisting of Robin Santra, Daniela Pfannkuche, Roman Kogler and Alessandra Picchiotti awarded a poster prize to both Jessica Harich and Jan Lukas Dresselhaus. The prize was a jar of honey harvested by DESY beekeeper Axel Lindner (ALPS) – produced by bees that flew to flowers from both DESY and Hamburg University. A true PIER honey…
The next PIER Graduate Week is scheduled for 7-11 October 2024 on Campus Bahrenfeld.
Photograph (Stefanie Tepass, PIER): Jessica Harich, Alessandra Picchiotti, Daniela Pfannkuche, Robin Santra, Roman Kogler, Jan Lukas Dresselhaus (from left to right) presenting the PIER honey.
Center for Free-Electron Laser Science
16-23 October 2023
Gregor Kasieczka, Alessandra Picchiotti et. al.
Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, MSc students
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