PIER Seed Projects 2023: New Projects Selected for Funding
In the recent call for PIER Seed Projects, five proposals have been selected by the jury to receive seed funding out of the PIER Idea Fund. A record number of 25 applications had been submitted to the PIER Office until the deadline on April 24th, 2023, making the selection process even more competitive than in previous years. The successful proposals are from the PIER research and competence fields of infection and structural biology, nanoscience, particle and astroparticle physics, photon science, and accelerator research. For the five projects, DESY, Universität Hamburg (UHH) and the University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf (UKE) will allocate a total funding amount of 200,000 Euros over the course of two years. A list of the funded projects including detailed project descriptions are available here.
The recent call for PIER Seed Projects was the twelfth since the founding of PIER in 2011. Besides providing seed money for joint DESY and Universität Hamburg research projects, PIER also supports scientific workshops and short visits of international researchers. The overall aim of the activities within the scope of the PIER Idea Fund is to promote the development and implementation of excellent research ideas and projects based on the cooperation between DESY and Universität Hamburg researchers. Applications for PIER Workshops and PIER Short Visits can be continually submitted. For further information please visit https://www.pier-hamburg.de/funding/
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