Call 2025 is closed!
PHGS Travel Awards
With the PHGS Travel Awards we recognize outstanding doctoral researchers of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School (PHGS). Accomplishments that can serve as the basis for a PHGS Travel Award include excellent publications, development of important scientific tools or software, entrepreneurship or other outstanding scientific contributions.
Each PHGS Travel Award is intended to cover the travel costs of the awardee to and participation in scientific event/s of his/her choice (conferences, summer/winter schools, research stays, etc.).
The maximum funding amount is 3,000 Euros per award. This year we will again be awarding up to four PHGS Travel Awards. The prize is announced once a year.
The next application deadline is in January 2026.

Pack your bags
1 Professional requirements
- Full membership in the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School.
- Employment contract with DESY.
- Doctoral studies in one or more of the PIER research fields or competence fields or emerging topic.
- Specific travel plan (e.g., attendance of conference/s, workshop/s, summer or winter school/s, research stay/s).
2 Selection criteria & performance criteria
- Scientific output (important scientific publications) during the doctoral phase.
- Other forms of special productivity: development of scientific instruments or scientific software during the doctoral phase.
- Entrepreneurship (during the doctoral phase).
- Other outstanding contributions of relevance in the context of PIER (during the doctoral phase).
3 Letters of Support
Two letters of support are required, at least one of which should be by one of the supervisors who is a DESY scientist. Both letters should explicitly address the following points:
- Why does the applicant deserve a PHGS Travel Award?
- In what way is the accomplishment to be recognized significant?
- To what degree has the applicant contributed to the accomplishment?
- To what extent may the applicant be expected to profit from the proposed travel?
Please note: Only achievements in the context of the doctoral phase can be taken into consideration.
4 Documentation of stay
- After the stay/s, a brief report must be written by the doctoral researcher, which will be published on the PHGS website. The PHGS will provide a template for the report.
5 Scope of funding
- Maximum of € 3,000 per applicant. The money can also be split over several events/stays. Please note: insurance for travel abroad is not included. All doctoral researchers travelling with a PHGS Travel Award have to ensure that the complete trip is covered by a health insurance. Travel arrangements must be handled via DESY business travel procedure.
- The award can only be as high as the total cost of the trip/s. The maximum contribution from PHGS is 3,000 Euros. The following costs can be covered by the PHGS Travel Award: travel costs, accommodation, participation fee, local public transport. Per diems cannot covered by the PHGS Travel Award.
- In total a maximum of 4 awards have been assigned in 2024.
6 Application procedure
- Applications may be submitted once per calendar year.
- The respective application deadline is 15 January.
- Travel must take place and be settled in the same year as the PHGS Travel Award.
- Decisions will be announced via email within six weeks after the respective deadline.
- The (first) planned travel may not begin before the decision about the PHGS Travel Award has been made.The executive committee of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School decides on the award.
- Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
7 Required documents
- PHGS Travel Award Application Form
- Two letters of support (at least one of which should be by one of the supervisors who is a DESY scientist).
8 How to submit the application
- The completed application form plus appendixes (if any) must be sent to:
- The two letters of support must be sent separately to:
Call is closed!
Each year, we recognize outstanding doctoral researchers of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School with a travel award. Some of the award winners shared their impressions and experiences with us: