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PIER Research Funding

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PIER Education Platform

Transferable skills for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

Language courses

German and English courses for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

PHGS Travel Awards for doctoral researchers

Outstanding doctoral researchers of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School (PHGS) can apply for a PHGS Travel Award to pay for travel to and participation in scientific events. Find out more...

Forms and info Sheets for doctoral researchers of the PHGS

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Buddy Programme for new doctoral researchers of the PHGS

You are a new international doctoral sresearcher and would like support during your first time in Hamburg? You are an experienced doctoral researcher and would like to support a new international doctoral researcher? Register here.

Registration membership PIER Helmholtz Graduate School

You are starting a doctorate at DESY or Universität Hamburg and want to become a member of the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School? Here you can sign up.

Curriculum PIER Helmholtz Graduate School

The PHGS curriculum is the core of the education of our members and is the basis for the PHGS Certificate and Transcript of Records.



Transitioning from Academia: Developing a Career with Python

Workshop/Training | 31 March - 2 April 2025, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm | Room EG.013, Start-up Labs (building 98) (Entry from outside DESY at the Stadionstrasse side gate) | Career development / Doctoral Researcher / PIER Seed Projects / Postdoc

Please note that this is not a beginner's Python course. Rather, it is a course which is intended to help you showcase your (already existing) Python skills to potential employers. If you are still a beginner at Python, this course is not aimed at you. Please look at our website (under Software and Programming Skills) for other courses, or email us directly. Please also note this workshop is intended for postdocs, and preference will be given to postdocs while registering. 

Advance your Python skills and learn career development strategies to transition from academia to coding or data-related positions. This three-day course focuses on project-based learning with hands-on coding activities. Participants should have prior fundamental knowledge of Python coding, including the Python core, Numpy, and Matplotlib. By the end of the workshop, you will have a project to showcase on GitHub and insights on continuing your career development through networking and continuous skill-building.

  • Introduction to Essential Python Skills (Day 1):

You will receive a brief introduction to essential Python programming skills and toolboxes needed for work outside academia, including:

    • Advanced data analysis and visualization with Pandas and Seaborn

    • Machine learning with Scikit-Learn and PyTorch

    • Exploring free and open data repositories

    • Creating interactive dashboards

    • BONUS: Web Frameworks

  • Advancing Coding Skills with AI Tools (Day 2):

Practice enhancing your coding skills using AI tools, e.g., ChatGPT and Github Copilot, and other resources and delve into real-world problems that improve your coding proficiency.

  • Good Coding Practice for Collaboration (Day 2):

Learn how to collaborate on larger projects by employing good coding practices, such as version control with Git and Github, and utilizing virtual environments.

  • Portfolio and Showcase Project Development (Day 3):

Begin developing your portfolio with a showcase project that demonstrates your skills and knowledge. This hands-on project will be your steppingstone into the industry.

  • Discussion on Future Steps (Day 3):

Engage in discussions on networking and further skill building to continue your career development journey.

  • Project Presentation on GitHub (Day 3):

Present your showcase project on GitHub, receive constructive feedback from peers, and learn how to effectively communicate your work to potential employers.

The introduction to the Essential Python Skills together with using AI Tools is the basis for further learning and development on an individual basis.

Projects will be presented in small groups, fostering a collaborative environment, and providing valuable peer-to-peer feedback.

This workshop requires good knowledge of Python, as covered in the two
workshops "Fundamentals of Python" and "Python for Data Analysis and


Trainer: Alexander Britz

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